Warhammer 40k tanks world of tanks blitz
Warhammer 40k tanks world of tanks blitz

Krupp were working apart from Rheinmetall, creating a tank destroyer with a rear mounted gun. Krupp produced only three prototypes from 1942–1943.” “it is stated that only 3 prototype Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger tank was being built fully. As there are no photographs of the Rhm B WT, I’ll assume it only existed in designs. It states that Rhm presented their prototype, but their design “envisaged” the B WT. If the Rhm was a prototype, there would only have been one. Ardelt built two prototypes (or one but pretty sure there was two) and got an order for 10 vehicles, but this was during November 1944 so I’ll assume they had not been built by the end of the war.

warhammer 40k tanks world of tanks blitz

After all ideas were presented, the preferred option was the Ardelt WT. WT was being designed alongside two other weapon carriers, by two other companies. To sum up in one sentence: Graystripe, Krupp prototypes are not Rheinmetall prototypes, they are different companies and designed entirely different tanks. To answer the OP: Since the game is already pretty unrealistic as is, I’d say unrealistic tanks don’t matter too much, unless they fire lightning bolts or something. Mass production of the Heuschrecke 10 was scheduled to start in February 1945, but never occurred. The Heuschrecke initially made use of a shortened Panzerkampfwagen IV (Panzer IV) chassis, but it was later switched to the Geschützwagen IV chassis, developed for the Hummel self-propelled gun. Krupp produced only three prototypes from 1942–1943. It is stated that only 3 prototype Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger tank was being built fully. Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger tank which is the tier 8 TD tank in WOT PC and WOT blitz was being produced in world war 2. Grille 15 tank was build using the panther tank chasis. K tank" and they are called "self propelled artillery tanks".īut grille 15 tank is actually a variant of the panther tank. There are actually tanks in germany with the name "Grille Ausf. Or the whole RHM series, including the grille 15.

warhammer 40k tanks world of tanks blitz

the E-100 also was never produced, only it's chassis was produced. Originally posted by (kπ)tan pzhda:they were prototypes so it's logical.

Warhammer 40k tanks world of tanks blitz